Membership  Benefits

“Serving our Members since 1982”

Interested in becoming an E.R.I. member contact president Bill Hay @ or call 1-800-4567 ext 113 

Your Voice

A voice in the decision making process of The Group.

Reduced Costs

Reduced net cost of parts and supplies.

Competitive Edge

Become more “competitive” in your trading area

Nationwide Access

Nationwide access to many product lines.


Warehousing facilities dedicated to group members.

Reduced Bookkeeping

Reduced bookkeeping costs, pay one monthly statement with one cheque.


Remain independent and control your own purchasing; you buy the lines you want to buy.


Part of a national organization dedicated to the profitability & success of its members.

Preferred Suppliers

Purchases from “preferred suppliers” are exempt from administration fees.

Insurance Plan

Employer – Employee health insurance plan & registered pension plan.

Brokerage / Freight

Hassle free ordering and delivery from U.S. based manufacturers. E.R.I. has brokerage & freight arrangements in place.

National Advertising

National advertising campaign & marketing programmes to promote OUR MEMBERS to the installers in their trading area.

Reduce Admin Fees

Purchases of major machinery & equipment exempt from administration fees.

Member Functions

Nationwide regional member functions


Deal with top-rated manufacturers as an E.R.I. Associate

Information Resources

Access to unlimited information resources via the “E.R.I. Report” and by “Networking” with E.R.I. management and other E.R.I. members through our website chatrooms.